Monday 18 July 2011

GROUPON USERS 7 DAYS ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi we just wanna thank everybody for your patience we are I assure yo slowly working thru the backlog of calls and emails and I assure you that we WILL get back to ALL of you lovely people!

But as already explained previously it will just take a little time, but I gain reassure nobody will miss out on the offer!

Here is some general advice>

1 Make sure you have a good idea of what you want

2 Please have refferance material for us 

3 Please do not ask us what you should have

4 Please do not ask what you can get for your voucher (its not how things should be done)

5  Please listen to our advice its honest and free we want to do right by our customers

6 Please do if at all possible feel free to pop in any time during normal hours to book or discuss your tattoo with us ( this is the fastest and best way to secure your booking )

I hope this will help and look forward to meeting you soon

London Tattoo

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